Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Bad Sam....Cute Katelin

Ok...I admit I am really bad about posting on here as often as I would like. I try, really I try.

So here is what we have been up to the last couple of weeks. Work, of course...It sucks, but its a paycheck. Home...been trying to get organized and throw stuff out we don't need. Got Katelin's closet completely cleaned out and organized. The computer room is clean and we can actually see the tops of our desks and the floor again. The guest room closet is almost completely void of my crafting crap. And we have thought about finishing the painting we have started in various rooms of the house. Baby....She is growing by leaps and bounds. She has her first tooth and is close to getting her second. Any day she will be crawling. She is able to prop herself up on her knees and elbows, stays like that for a few seconds and then she is back flat on her belly. I really need to put those baby leg warmers on for her to get more traction and move. getting ready for warrior weekend Oct 10th. He is trying to talk our friend off the ledge about testing for her black belt. She needs to put her big girls panties on and just do it. Other than that not much going on just trying to make it through the month and then just a little bit closer to Thanksgiving and a week off of work and a visit to Mom & Dad in Vegas.
Some new pics of she is wearing her new Aggie onesie. It must be good luck, the Aggies pulled out a victory against New Mexico.

Here she is trying to eat the dog. She will stick anything in her mouth that she can get a hold of. I really need to break her of this habit before she is a teenager!

Friday, August 22, 2008


Well I haven't posted since I originally started this blog, so I thought since I have some time I would post a few pics of Katelin and mine's trip to El Paso that we took a couple of weeks ago.

Here is Katelin meeting her Great Grandpa for the first time.

What a big girl sitting up in the chair in the hotel room.

This has to be the most interesting picture of the trip. Mom and I were on our way to meet my Aunt Kathy, Uncle Ray and Papa at the club for lunch and this is what we saw on the back of a truck at a stoplight.

Not only is a Gift and Flower shop, but you can get permanent makeup done too. Wow! One stop shopping.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Well Here Goes....

My first attempt at blogging. I thought this would be a good way to post pictures and notes for my family to see.

I took Katelin to the doctor this morning. She got to meet Dr. Michaels for the first time. She is really nice. So after a thorough exam, Katelin does not have an ear infection, just a little cold. The doctor did say that is was going to be awhile until we see teeth. Probably a couple more weeks. Ugh! Poor Katelin. I cannot imagine having to deal with that for another couple of weeks. When I dropped her off at school today, she seemed to be ok and really lit up when we told her Miss Apple would be there soon. Boy does she love Miss Apple.